Well this gives you an idea of the essence anyway.
1. better tub storage so when the kids reach for necessary tubbing items they don’t get the floor wet

2.  non-plastic,  lightweight water bottle that doesn’t leak and is aesthetically pleasing

3.  storage that’s quickly and easily accessible for keys in purse

4.  storage that’s quickly and easily accessible for phone in purse

5.  storage for all my various chargers that’s aesthetically pleasing

* 6. an attractive or even hip medical alert bracelet

7. slippers for hot weather that don’t look like they’re from the 70’s

8. organizational system for my kid’s homework for a very small house

9. storage system for myriad card decks of games, flashcards, etc.

10. better portable lunch system which uses glass for safe reheating in the microwave

This dish scrubbie is so valued in my life that I panic when my stash of them runs low. A little old lady knits these. I am in love with them because of their ability to remove most types of foodstuffs from all surfaces without ever doing damage to the surface itself. They are unique from the store bought versions because they are extremely durable and don’t fall apart with frequent use. Also, I find them aesthetically pleasing since they come in more saturated, fashionable tones and their shape and pattern is charming. Functional and pleasing to the eye (as much as a scrubbie could be), perfect!


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    October 2013

